
We are delighted to offer consultancy services for people and organisations looking for help with improving inclusion or identifying best practice in engaging disabled children in STEM.

We can help you to improve access to your materials, venues, processes and activities for disabled children. As a recent example, we have just advised Royal Observatory Greenwich in the accessible redesign of their planetarium shows and activities. Consultancy projects could be a single meeting to help you consolidate your plans, or a tailored project to design and implement a new series of accessible activities. We charge a small amount for these services which helps us to fund our work, either at an hourly rate or on a project basis.


We run training sessions for teachers (special school and mainstream), museum presenters, STEM activity club leaders and other child-facing STEM professionals on inclusive techniques, including our popular ‘Making STEM Accessible’ online course. We can also develop bespoke training courses suited to your organisation’s needs and audiences.

If you’d like to explore how we can help you to improve accessibility and inclusivity in your STEM work with disabled children, please get in touch: