Virtual Lab 3!

This week, we’ve launched our third Virtual Lab - and this one is taking place in school, with a fantastic KS3 group from New Fosseway. We are running the 4 Virtual Lab sessions over 1 week. Session 1 saw us get to grips with our new equipment, and take part in our first experiment.

Our theme for this Virtual Lab is The Environment. We’ll be growing cressheads, exploring wind turbines, making predictions about the best insulators, and using new equipment such as a pipettes and smart phone microscopes!

Huge thanks to Quartet Community Foundation for supporting this project.

17/02/21 update

Virtual Lab 3 has drawn to a close and we were thrilled to hear that the new Researchers really enjoyed their week. Feedback from staff includes -

“We all now refer to Dr Sarah as our scientist friend”

“It was great to see what our students can achieve and can do - sometimes I think we assume that things may be too tricky but it was lovely to have a fresh pair of eyes to push our students - it was amazing!”

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