Ocean Term

Our topic this term is The Ocean, and the young people in our active-learning workshops are having great fun exploring underwater! With COP26 well underway, our students are learning about the importance of looking after our oceans and the effects of climate change on sea-levels. Our inclusive classes, which combine science and dance, enable all learners to engage and have fun with STEM, and these wonderful sensory props are definitely helping!

A grid of 4 photos showing; a woman with a clear 'jellyfish' umbrella with ribbon tentacles, crocheted underwater creature toys, long green seaweed props, and a young girl in a wheelchair enjoying colourful fans and scarves.

A grid of 4 photos showing; a woman with a clear 'jellyfish' umbrella with ribbon tentacles, crocheted underwater creature toys, long green seaweed props, and a young girl in a wheelchair enjoying colourful fans and scarves.

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