Nectar Donate

A brand new, easy way to support us - introducing Nectar Donate!

It’s now even easier to help us raise funds in order to continue breaking down barriers in inclusion in STEM. We’ve signed up to Nectar Donate, a new initiative launched this month from the team at Nectar and Crowdfunder. This means you can now donate any or all of your Nectar points to us!

You will need to link your Nectar card to your Crowdfunder account. Then simply visit our dedicated crowdfunding page and when you get to the “Payment method” screen, select “Donate with Nectar”.

The best thing about Nectar Donate is that it won’t cost you or us anything. Crowdfunder has generously waived platform fees for anyone donating their points.

  • If you donate 1000 Nectar points to us we’ll be able to fund materials for one student in a Virtual Lab!

  • 7000 Nectar points means we’ll be able to deliver an active-learning workshop!

  • And 12,000 Nectar points will allow us to recruit, train and support a new volunteer!

    If you haven’t used your Nectar card for a long time, why not dust it off now, check your account balance and donate those points to us!

    And don’t forget, as you continue to shop at Sainsbury’s, eBay, Esso, Argos, JustEat and many many others, all those points will soon add up. If you then feel like donating some or all of your points to us, together we can encourage more disabled children to engage in STEM!

    Many thanks for your ongoing support and generosity.

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