Little People Big Dreams Term

As we begin a new school year, our active-learning classes have restarted with a new STEM topic! This term, we will be exploring 4 books from the Little People Big Dreams series, and learning about their scientific discoveries and lives. The books we will be learning from are:

Ada Lovelace - the British mathematician and daughter of poet Lord Byron. Her work on a very early kind of computer made her the world’s first computer programmer!
Key words: Computer, Coding, Programmer, Machine, Flight, Navigation, Propulsion, Space

Charles Darwin - the scientist who changed the way people see the world. He developed the landmark theory that all living things are related through his curiosity for plants, wildlife, and humans.
Key words: Animals, Nature, Species, Camouflage, Birds, Bird Song

Zaha Hadid - the visionary British architect who designed some of the most famous buildings in the world, including the London 2012 Olympic Aquatic Centre.
Key words: Curve, Building, Giant, Concrete

Stephen Hawking - genius physicist and author, known for his incredible discoveries about the universe.
Key words: Stars, Constellation, Space, Zero Gravity, Universe, Space, astronaut

A montage of images showing the Stephen Hawking Little People, Big Dreams children’s’ book held by 3 Flamingo Chicks’ teachers along with space sensory props including rainbow ribbons and Swiss balls. One photo also shows a child interacting with a visual of the planets.

A grey background with a curved edged photo montage of images, half showing Flamingo Chicks dancers using ribbons and the others some of Zaha Hadid’s finest work.

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